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PLE here to protect and sustain your business in challenging times

Dear valued business partner/customer

As we continue to monitor the impact of the corona virus outbreak, now being referred to as COVID19 by the World health organisation, I wanted to provide an update on how PLE is working to protect our staff and support our customers during these challenging times.

We have been proactively preparing for the potential impact of the virus on our business by working with our supply chain partners to identify back up sourcing strategies, increasing our inventory levels and implementing contingency plans on at risk parts to ensure continuity of supply to our customers.

Protecting the health and safety of our customers, associates and their families is of the utmost importance to us. Therefore, we have cancelled all non-essential business travel and our sales and service teams will be engaging with customers utilising all media platforms to support your requirements be it technical or sales related.

We thank you for your continued business and partnership. We feel well prepared to navigate through the challenging times and will do all we can to deliver products and services without disruption.

Should you have any specific questions please contact your local sales representative.

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